उच्चतर माध्यमिक एवं स्नातक के छात्रों का मानसिक स्वास्थय एक अध्ययन

Pages: 1242-1244
Geeta N. Lagadhir (Shree Bosamia College, Jetpur, Gujarat)

This research paper has been prepared aiming of the study of Mental health of the students of Art’s and Commerce at higher secondary and U.G.Level total 120 rendom male sample form he is urban and rural area, from joint family or divided family in Visavadar Taluka. Tools for the research was personal data sheet and mental health test developed by Dr. D.J. Bhatt and Shree Geeta R. Gida. Means were computed and T-Test was applied to check the significance of different between two variables. The result show that nodifferent is found in the Mental health of higher secondary and u.g. students weather he is from urban and rural area from a joint of a divided family.


Pages: 1242-1244
Geeta N. Lagadhir (Shree Bosamia College, Jetpur, Gujarat)