Welcome to 5th ICPAS

Call for Papers for 5th International Conference on Psychology and Allied Sciences

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Vasudhaiv Kutumbakm: A Global Perspective on Wellbeing

The Indian notion of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam teaches us to treat the whole world as one family so as to inculcate the understanding that the whole of humanity is one family. The first word in this phrase – Vasudhaiva-- is made up of three Sanskrit words -- Vasudha, Eva, and Kutumbakam. Vasudha means the earth, Eva means to emphasize and Kutumbakam means a family. The whole phrase, then, means that the whole earth is one complete family. In Ancient India, sages of the Vedas and Upanishads, the Mystics, and the Buddhists dreamt of uniting all the people of the world in a common thread of mutual love, trust, and friendship. They attained this to a great extent. This they did only through Yoga and Meditation. Today the world is on the verge of total destruction. Every country in the world, in the name of peace and self-defense, is accumulating weapons of mass destruction. Humanity is getting devastated at all spheres of family, i.e., at home, community, country and global level. People at all these levels (of a family) are creating conditions for living which lead to illness, diseases, violence, and terrorism. And by this, we are disrupting the family wellbeing from a single family to the global family. Humanity can be saved only when we take the world as a family and exhibit the qualities of love, compassion, contentment, happiness, joy, resilience, forgiveness, truthfulness, optimism, sacrifice, service to the community, and live in peace. Peace must begin with the individual, move on to the house, on to the society and then the world. Achieving global peace can begin only when each individual first attains inner peace. Keeping all this in mind, the current conference was proposed on this theme and following sub-themes

Family Wellbeing

Community Wellbeing

Nation Wellbeing

Global Wellbeing