Pain and Bio-psychosocial research

Pages: 1738-1740
Arshi Khan and Neena Kohli (Department of Psychology, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh)

With the change in lifestyle large numbers of people are diagnosed with chronic pain and not only people from old age group but large numbers of people who are in the younger age group are also facing this problem. However, with the advent of medical intervention people are encouraged to learn how to adapt with their illness over the long term. Adaptation or adjusting to illness is a common term used in health psychology. In this regard the present paper is an attempt to review the literature regarding adaptation to chronic pain from biopsychosocial perspective. A study of chronic pain from biopsychosocial perspective will enable us to take into account the various biological, psychological and social perspective into consideration and by focusing on this model the neurological basis of pain could also be studied. A critical component of future research would be to integrate the neural data with behavioral correlate.


Pages: 1738-1740
Arshi Khan and Neena Kohli (Department of Psychology, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh)