
Spiritual intelligence, competence and academic achievement of research scholars: A review study

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Pages: 701-703
Jyotsna Joshi (Department of Psychology, SNGGPG College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh)
Nidhi Sahu (Consultant Psychologist, MANIT, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh)

Today research scholars are facing more challenge in this global world. To improve their competence and achievement is very important issue. Spiritual intelligence has attained a valuable place as an academic construct in the field of psychology. Spiritual intelligence (SI) plays significant role in problem solving and critical existential thinking and can be used for improving research performance of research scholars. There are studies on investigating the influence of spirituality on academic performance at the college level (Astin, Astin, & Lindholm, 2011; Bolghani-Abadi et al., 2012; Capeheart-Meningall, 2005; Cassidy, 2012; Green & Noble, 2010) but hardly any study that deal with this concept at the PhD level and none address its effect on competence and achievement. In an effort to help their students, faculties, supervisors, guides and mentors have to understand that including a spiritual component will aid in holistic development and ultimately motivate achievement. In this study a systematic review of peer reviewed publications was carried out to understand the effect of spiritual intelligence on competence and academic achievements of research scholars.


Pages: 701-703
Jyotsna Joshi (Department of Psychology, SNGGPG College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh)
Nidhi Sahu (Consultant Psychologist, MANIT, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh)