
Hypertension and its relation to epidemiological transition: A study in Koraput district of Odisha

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Pages: 783-788
Rajani Padal and Jayanta Kumar Nayak (Department of Anthropology, Central University of Orissa, Koraput, Odisha)

Epidemiological transition illustrates that changing patterns of population distribution in relation to changing patterns of mortality, fertility, life expectancy and that leading to causes to death. Hypertension is one of the most common and crucial health problems in both developed and under developed countries. Currently, there are more than 970 million population who have been affected and elevated under blood pressure which is so called hypertension in the world wide. It is also estimated that, there are about 330 million people have elevated hypertension in the developed countries whereas about 640 million people affected hypertension in the under developed and developing countries in the world. According to the latest report of World Health Organisation (WHO), hypertension is one of the most serious causes of premature death in both the developed and developing countries across the world and continuously increasing its percentage. In this context, the current study has found that, it is one of the major contributor to the global burden of disease. It is also estimated that, more than 1.56 billion people especially adults above the age group of above 15 years to 35 years will be highly affected under the blood presser as a result, the large scale of morbidity and mortality may be directly or indirectly affect the people across the world. Blood pressure or hypertension is one of the major health problem not only for the youth but also the other age group due to its ambiguity especially in its detective symptoms. As a result, more than 9.4 million deaths each year leads globally according to the latest report. Hypertension is one of the risk factor of CVD. Thus, it makes and give remedial measures to give concrete action against the hypertension which is one of the most and important cause of both mortality as well as mortality not only in the local but also in the global. In this regard, this particular disease is being addressed and given the terminology as a “double burden” of diseases. The main objectives of the study are to identify towards the risk factors of hypertension and its relation to socio-demographic and to indentify stroke, heart and kidney failure in the tribal hamlet of Koraput district in Odisha. A cross sectional study has been conducted from the age of 15 years and above. The proposed study area is situated amidst primitive grandiosity of Eastern Ghats and it is also native to numerous tribal people. However, the changes in lifestyle of these people are highly affected by the risk factor of hypertension therefore, it is pertinent to take concrete measures for their betterment life later than sooner.


Pages: 783-788
Rajani Padal and Jayanta Kumar Nayak (Department of Anthropology, Central University of Orissa, Koraput, Odisha)