
Role of yoga in maintenance of mental health: An explorative study among diabetes mellitus

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Pages: 1439-1444
Sithara E. Former (Department of Clinical Psychology, Prajoty Niketan College, Pudukad, Kerala)
Aneesh V. Appu (Department of Psychology, Mahatma Gandhi College, Trivandrum, Kerala)

Prevalence rate of life style diseases are increasing day by day. It is linked with the way people live their life. Diabetes is one of the common lifestyle disease and many psychological and behavioral problems are associated with it. That may affect their mental health. So the aim of the study is to explore Eating Attitude, Resilience, Mental well being, Anxiety, and Diabetic Specific Knowledge among diabetic patients, diabetic patients doing yoga regularly, and normal population. The objective is to understand Eating Attitude, Resilience, Mental well being, Anxiety, and Diabetic Specific Knowledge among diabetic patients, patients doing yoga regularly, and normal population and also find the gender difference in Eating Attitude, Resilience, Mental well being, Anxiety, and Diabetic Specific Knowledge among participants. The Sample for the study consists of three groups, viz., diabetic patients, patients doing yoga regularly, and the normal population. From a total of 300 samples, 100 of them are diabetic patients, 100 of them are diabetic patients doing yoga regularly and 100 from normal population, between the age group of 30-50. They were assessed with Eating Attitudes Test, The BU resilience scale, The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale, Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, Patient’s Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire. ANOVA and ‘t’ test was done to analyze the data obtained. ANOVA results indicated significant relationship between all the variables under evaluation. ‘t’ test results showed that on the basis of gender there is a significant difference in eating attitude, mental well-being and anxiety. No other variables show significant difference based on gender (resilience & diabetic specific knowledge).


Pages: 1439-1444
Sithara E. Former (Department of Clinical Psychology, Prajoty Niketan College, Pudukad, Kerala)
Aneesh V. Appu (Department of Psychology, Mahatma Gandhi College, Trivandrum, Kerala)