Cognition base special educational training and behavior therapy affect on scholastic backward children

Pages: 40-44
Pankaj Singh, Himanshu Dua, Anjali Edbor, Nilofer Mujawar and Bhushan Kherde (NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences, Digdoh Hills, Nagpur, Maharashtra)

The Present study to examine the effect of cognitive special educational training (CSET) and behavior therapy effect on scholastic backward children. 60 school going children’s teachers complaining of scholastic backwardness and behavior issues, age range from 8 to 10 years were recruited based on random sampling. They were administered the Conners 3™ Self Report Short questionnaires (C. Keith Conners, Ph.D.) in the sample group. An Analysis of variance showed that the F ratio 379.5467 is larger than the F crit value 3.047012 .The F crit (3.047012) is the critical value as extracted from the f-distribution in statistical tables based on two values of degrees of freedom df of 2 and 177. p < 0.05 we can reject null hypothesis (Means are different) and as we can see the mean level of First Face (Conners 3™ Self Report Short)-41.43333, is higher than that of the second phase (Conners 3™ Self Report Short) -20.56667, and Third Face (Conners 3™ Self Report Short) - 14.75).Different Means say that there is an effect of level of CSET and Behavior therapy help ADHD children and improve their academic skills. Cognition base special educational training & Behavior therapy program improves body functions, including intelligence, sustained attention, memory, or executive functions; affect activities, including increasing learning and applying knowledge and improving attending and completing tasks; or enhance participation, including moving across educational levels, succeeding in the educational program.


Pages: 40-44
Pankaj Singh, Himanshu Dua, Anjali Edbor, Nilofer Mujawar and Bhushan Kherde (NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences, Digdoh Hills, Nagpur, Maharashtra)