Impact of spirituality on mental health
Samyak Makwana (Department of Psychology, Kavishree Botadkar Arts & Commerce Collge, Botad, Bhavnagar, Gujarat)
Impact of Spirituality into Mental Health is still controversial. Although, literature on Spirituality and Mental health is showing beneficial effects and a need for such further investigation. Surveys indicate that 70-80% patients use spirituals or religious belief and activities to cope with daily difficulties and frustrations. Spirituality may help patients to enhance emotional adjustment and to maintain hope, purpose and meaning. Patients emphasize that serving a purpose beyond one’s self can make it possible to live with what might otherwise be unbearable. Spirituality and Religion both are used in wide population in same terminology. Spirituality’s impact on mental health is positive and negatives both. Here we are trying to observing current scenario regarding impact of Spirituality on Mental health.
Samyak Makwana (Department of Psychology, Kavishree Botadkar Arts & Commerce Collge, Botad, Bhavnagar, Gujarat)