Subjective well-being of performing artists and its relationship with self-efficacy

Pooja V. Anand and Yukti Kumar (Department of Psychology, Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi, Delhi)

The present study was designed to assess the subjective well-being and self-efficacy of performing artists. The sample comprised of 75 performing artists (25 dancers, 25 musicians and 25 theatre artists). For data collection Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985), Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Watson, Clark& Tellegen, 1988), General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995) and an interview prepared by the researcher were used. Results show that the subjective well-being and self-efficacy of performing artists are high. Significant differences were found between dancers, musicians and theatre artists on satisfaction with life, positive affect and self efficacy. A significant positive correlation was found between satisfaction with life and positive affect, between satisfaction with life and self efficacy and between positive affect and self-efficacy. Findings have implications for enhancing subjective well being and self efficacy.


Pooja V. Anand and Yukti Kumar (Department of Psychology, Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi, Delhi)