Subjective well-being and life satisfaction among male and female adults

Kiran Sahu (Department of Psychology G. D. H. G. College, Moradabad, U.P.)

Well-being can be defined in terms of an individual’s mental, physical, social environmental status which interact with each other havings different level of importance and impact. The aim of the present study is to find out the gender differences regarding the experiences of well being and life satisfaction.A sample of 100 adults (50 males and 50 females) belongs to middle socio-economic background was taken. Subjective well being was measured with the help of P.G.I. General Well Being measure by Verma and Verma (2009) and life satisfaction was measured by Life Satisfaction Scale developed by Alam and Srivastava (2001). Results denoted that there was not any significant gender difference for well being as well as for life satisfaction.But economic satisfaction is only dimension of life satisfaction which showed significant gender difference, further female experiences better economic satisfaction in comparison to males.


Kiran Sahu (Department of Psychology G. D. H. G. College, Moradabad, U.P.)