Family relationship among junior college students in relation to emotional intelligence and adjustment

Ramesh K. Adsul (Department of Psychology, Smt. Mathubai Garware Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Sangli, Maharashtra)

The main aim of the present study was to explore the relationship among family relationship , emotional intelligence and adjustment among junior college students. It was hypothesized that 1. There would be positive relationship between emotional intelligence and perceived parental acceptance attitude among Junior college students. 2. There would be negative relationship between emotional intelligence and perceived parental concentration and avoidance attitude among students. 4. There would be positive relationship between emotional intelligence and home , health, social and emotional adjustment. 5. There would be positive relationship between perceived parental acceptance attitude and overall adjustment. 6. There would be negative relationship between perceived parental concentration attitude and overall adjustment. 7. There would be negative relationship between perceived parental avoidance attitude and overall adjustment. The 100 students studying in 11th class of various Junior colleges in Sangli and Satara districts of Maharashtra State, India were selected by random sampling method. Research was conducted by using three psychological tests namely 1.Mangal Emotional Intelligence Inventory. 2. Family Relationship Inventory.3.Bell’s Adjustment Inventory. The correlation approach was employed to study the relationship among family relationship, emotional intelligence and adjustment. The findings of the study revealed that (1) There is a positive relationship between parental acceptance and emotional intelligence. 2. There is a negative relationship between parental avoidance and emotional intelligence. 3. There is a positive correlation between EI & home and emotional adjustment. 4.There is positive relationship between parental acceptance attitude and overall adjustment of students. 5.There is a negative relationship between parental avoidance attitude and overall adjustment of students.


Ramesh K. Adsul (Department of Psychology, Smt. Mathubai Garware Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Sangli, Maharashtra)