Relationship between organizational ethical climate and counterproductive work behaviors with the moderating role of personality characteristics

Farhad Emami, Seyed Ahmad Mirjafari, and Aminallah Fazel (Department of Psychology, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)

The aim of this study was the relationship between ethical climate and work behaviors counterproductive with was the moderator role personality characteristics. The research method was correlation. The population in this study, all employees of the National Bank of Shiraz who were working in 2016-2017 years And of this number 200 samples were selected The number of available sampling test was performed. To collect the data, ethical Joe Victor and Cullen (1988); a questionnaire counterproductive behavior by Fox Vespektor (2002); NEO Personality Inventory Costa and McCrae in 1997 were used with good reliability. Data using multivariate regression analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient using SPSS software were analyzed. Results showed that between ethical climate personality traits (conscientiousness, flexibility, agreeableness, & extraversion) and a significant positive relationship with neurosis there is a negative relationship between counterproductive work behaviors and personality traits (conscientiousness, flexibility, agreeableness, & extraversion) and a significant negative correlation with neurosis there is a positive relationship.


Farhad Emami, Seyed Ahmad Mirjafari, and Aminallah Fazel (Department of Psychology, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)