Seth Chhaju Ram and Help to Revolutionaries
Nalin Malik (S. S. Master, GMS Gandhinagar)
Seth Chhaju Ram was a man with a difference. The help rendered by him to the revolutionaries is really a new steak to light in his way of living. He supported liberally various social, political, cultural educational, economic literary, religious organizations with money and material, with heart and soul. Strangely enough and proudly, Seth Chhaju Ram helped revolutionaries with utmost sincerity. In this context many erudite writers, eminent left politicians, widely and highly educated persons have narrated in the books authored by them as such. Around 1925-26, Lala Dev Raj ji (1860-1925), the founder of Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Jalandhar, came to Calcutta with a group of delegates. It was comprised of Professor Shanno Devi ji, some teachers and a few girls. They all were the guests of Seth Chhaju Ram. At that time Seth ji requested Lala Dev Raj ji, a man of revolutionary nature, to send a teacher of noble and cultured nature to teach her daughter Savitri. She will stay with us in kothi and will work both as the teacher and the guardian. Lala ji sent Sushila Bahin for this purpose. She also obtained the desired wages.1
Nalin Malik (S. S. Master, GMS Gandhinagar)