Recreational need assessment of 15-64 years old citizen in Shiraz city in personal, environmental, social and cultural dimension in 2013
Pages: 1745-1747
Marzieh Ebrahimi (Department of Physical Education, Sports Management, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
Younes Mohammadzadeh and Leila Jamshidian (Faculty of Humanities, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
The objective of this research was the recreational need assessment of 15 64 Years Old Citizenes in Shiraz City in three dimensions of individual, environmental-social and cultural. The research method was a descriptive survey. The statistical population of the study consisted male and female citizen of Shiraz from which 496 were selected using stage sampling method (appropriate to sample size). The research instrument was a researcher questionnaire containing 65 close ended questions. The reliability of the questionnaire proved to be 0/96 using Cornbrash’s alpha coefficient and validity of the questionnaire was a superficial and content validity. The data was analyzed both through descriptive (frequency, percentage and standard deviation) and inferential (one-variable t-test, Independent-sample t-test, One way analyzed of variance, LSD test and Freidman) statistics. Analysis of the findings revealed that the most important recreational needs of Shiraz citizens are the need for recreational programs for adolescents considering the individual dimension with the average of 4/06, the need for recreational facilities part in (parking, enough light and recreational facilities) considering the environmental – social dimension with the average of 4/12, and the need for places to hold sport classes considering cultural dimension with the average of 3/86.The recreational needs of citizens were above the average in all three dimensions. No meaningful difference was seen in citizens, recreational needs in the three dimensions regarding age, sex and income. A meaningful difference was seen among recreational needs in individual dimension considering education, marital status and occupation. In addition, there was a meaningful difference among recreational needs in environmental-social dimension regarding owning a car. The most obstacles for participating in recreational program was the distance between recreational places and living place.
Pages: 1745-1747
Marzieh Ebrahimi (Department of Physical Education, Sports Management, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
Younes Mohammadzadeh and Leila Jamshidian (Faculty of Humanities, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)