Recognition of emotions from facial expressions relation to locus of control
Pages: 1069-1074
Bharat H. Mimrot (Department of Psychology, NKSPTs Arts, Sci & Comm College, Badnapur, Jalna, Maharashtra)
In Present study researcher comprises accuracy of recognition of emotions from facial expressions of extrovert and introvert peoples. It was three hypotheses formulated that, Extrovert people would recognize more emotions correctly from facial expressions than introvert people. Extrovert females would recognize more emotions correctly from facial expressions than extrovert male. Introvert females would recognize more emotions correctly from facial expressions than introvert male. The 200 college students were selected from Mumbai (west) city by purposive and experimental sampling method. Initial stage locus of control scale was administered and 100 students who have external LOC and 100 students who have internal LOC was chosen for this study. After the completion of the test the experiment of recognition of emotions from facial expression statistical analysis was done with help of two-way ANOVA. Results shown that, Introvert peoples are recognizing more emotions correctly from facial expressions than extrovert peoples. Extrovert females are recognizing more emotions correctly from facial expressions than Extrovert males. Introvert females and introvert males are not showing significantly difference on recognition of emotions correctly from facial expressions. Discussion and justification were highlighted in full-length of paper.
Pages: 1069-1074
Bharat H. Mimrot (Department of Psychology, NKSPTs Arts, Sci & Comm College, Badnapur, Jalna, Maharashtra)