Moral values and sexual assault with special reference to HIV and its comorbidities
Pages: 1252-1254
Nitin Hosmelkar ( Senior Medical Officer, ART Center Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences, Hassan)
Moral values are the highest among all natural values. Goodness, purity, truthfulness, humility of man rank higher than genius, brilliancy, exuberant vitality, than the beauty of nature or of art, than the stability and power of a state .Sexual assault and abuse is any type of sexual activity that one does not agree to, including:Inappropriate touching, Vaginal, anal, or oral penetration, Sexual intercourse that one say no to, Rape, Attempted rape, Child molestation.The risk of contracting HIV during sexual assault is low but present.Rape increases the risk of HIV transmission compared to consensual sex, as trauma is more likely and because sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) maybe more prevalent in victims of sexual assault than in the general population. These infections may increase susceptibility to HIV infection.Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is short-term antiretroviral treatment to reduce the likelihood of HIV infection after potential exposure, either occupationally or through sexual intercourse. Within the health sector, PEP should be provided as part of a comprehensive universal precautions package that reduces staff exposure to infectious hazards at work. To be effective, PEP must begin within 72 hours of exposure, before the virus has time to make too many copies of itself in human body. PEP consists of 3 antiretroviral (ART/ARV/HAART) medications and should be taken for 28 days.Non-occupational PEP (sometimes called “nPEP”), taken when someone is potentially exposed to HIV outside the workplace (e.g., from sexual assault, or during episodes of unprotected sex or needle-sharing injection drug use).Sexual assault not only bring trauma and pain to the victim but it also carries series of such psychological disturbances like quarries & cooperation to the treating Doctor & legal personnel like Police, Judicial & social workers by answering to all such questions , answering to which may sometime will be very difficult & painful. Above all this, finding a solution for this can take many years. Chance of becoming pregnant is another problem need to be taken care of and above all, transmission of sexually transmitted infections & HIV should be taken care. Hepatitis B & C infections are still more dangerous than HIV & chances of getting these infections are much more. These are all stressful factors which trigger the worst condition of the victim. Even victim can go into deep depression & psychological disturbances. Therefore they need regular fallow up for pregnancy, STI’s/RTI’s, Hepatitis B & C and nPEP should be provided free of cost to stop further health problems of HIV. So this is the moral responsibility of the Government and society to provide free PEP along with fast justice.
Pages: 1252-1254
Nitin Hosmelkar ( Senior Medical Officer, ART Center Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences, Hassan)