
Exploring Telemedicine’s Role in Post-Landslide Recovery for Older Adults in Wayanad

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Page: 94-97

Sinan Abdullah and K. Rishon (Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh)


Page: 94-97

Sinan Abdullah and K. Rishon (Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh)

The study explores the phenomenon of “telemedicine – the use of digital technologies to provide and support health care when distance separates the participants”. The present study aims to understand the effectiveness, accessibility and attitude of elderly adults towards telemedicine after a traumatic incident. Through a combination of qualitative interviews, participant observation and review of literature the study investigates the experiences of participants who were the victims of the recent Wayanad landslide. The present study also provides insights on how the aging population adapts to the advancing digital platform and its innovative methods. By examining participants’ narratives and behavioral changes, the study aims to present more implications to make the phenomenon more effective in elderly adults. Findings of the study can be used to improve the accountability of telemedicine towards older adults especially during post-traumatic scenarios and working towards well-being.