
Marketing Practices of Vegetable Growers in Punjab

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Page: 437-440

Yash Handa and Rakesh Rathore (School of Business Studies, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab)


Page: 437-440

Yash Handa and Rakesh Rathore (School of Business Studies, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab)

The present study aims to study the marketing practices of vegetable growers and the constraints faced by vegetable growers in Punjab. Primary data was collected with the help of pre-structured and pre-tested questionnaires. A multistage sampling technique was used for the selection of the respondents. During the study, a total of 120 respondents were selected. Two districts namely Ferozepur and Faridkot were selected for the study. Mean frequency, one sample t-test was used for analysis of collected data. The results of the study revealed that most of the respondents were between 40-50 years (35.8 percent) in age. Farmers sell their produce as soon after harvesting of vegetables (mean score 4.93). There are fluctuations in market price (mean score 4.90) followed by a lack of marketing infrastructure support were the major constraints faced by vegetable growers.