
Well-being among police personnel and influence of life satisfaction on well-being of police in Haryana state

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Pages: 243-246
Priyanka Jangra and C.K. Singh (Department of Human Development and Family Studies Choudhry Chran Singh Haryana Agriculture University, Hisar, Haryana)

Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. Force employee wellbeing is an important factor in quality, performance and productivity. Life and job satisfaction is a ‘general attitude towards one’s life and job’. It describes how satisfied an employee is with his or her work and life. Common aspects of job and life satisfaction are: awareness, communication, co-workers, benefits, personal work conditions, organization itself, organizational policies and procedures, pay, personal growth, promotional opportunities, recognition, safety and monitoring .Research has been carried out focusing on specific factor of life satisfaction that affect well-being of police personnel. A simple randomized testing procedure was used to select a sample of 240 police officers in the state of Haryana. General Well-Being Scale developed and standardized by Chauhan and Didwania (2015) was used to assess the Well-Being of police personnel. General Well Being Scale comprised of 50 statements having 5 response alternatives. Life satisfaction scale (LSS) developed by Alam and Shrivastava (2001) was used to measure life satisfaction and for data collection. Step wise regression was used to find the significant difference or life satisfaction among police personnel for assessing the well-being. It was found that most significant variable of well-being like social (beta=0.11), economic (beta=0.21), health (beta=0.19), job(beta=0.21), personal (beta=0.01), marital (beta=0.74) and composite life satisfaction(beta=0.28) were on the topmost of the list and also there was significant difference among life-satisfaction and well-being of police personnel.


Pages: 243-246
Priyanka Jangra and C.K. Singh (Department of Human Development and Family Studies Choudhry Chran Singh Haryana Agriculture University, Hisar, Haryana)