
Self-concept among teacher trainees of B.Ed. general and special education

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Pages: 96-98
Pankaj Kumar (Special Education, Karam ManovikasSansthan, Alwar, Rajasthan)
Wasim Ahmad (Special Education (Intellectual Disability) Govt. Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disabilities (GRIID), Chandigarh)

Self-concept plays a vital role in one’s life. It becomes essential for the teachers to have a better concept of self which helps them to provide better services and learning opportunities to their students. Study was conducted to find out the self-concept among teacher trainees pursuing B. Ed. general and special education. Teachers trainees doing special education (n=55) and general education (n=42) were selected using a cluster sampling technique. The Self Concept scale developed by Deo (1998) was used. Finding revealed that B.Ed. Special Education teacher trainees showed lower self-concept compared to General B.Ed. teacher trainees with a significant difference between both group (t=8.45, p=0.000). Conclusion: The study focuses on the self-concept which is vital for developing interest, building character and succeeding according to individual differences.


Pages: 96-98
Pankaj Kumar (Special Education, Karam ManovikasSansthan, Alwar, Rajasthan)
Wasim Ahmad (Special Education (Intellectual Disability) Govt. Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disabilities (GRIID),Chandigarh)