The relationship between personality traits and emotional intelligence among high school teachers in Nourabad Mamasani
Zeynab Ghasemi (Department of Psychology, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
The aim of this study was to assess the personality traits and emotional intelligence and resilience in between is a high school teacher. The study population, Nourmamasani all high school teachers who are teaching in 2010,Among them, for example by sampling loop And 150 were selected for research. Research tools include: emotional intelligence questionnaire, Resilience Scale, the NEO Personality Inventory. For data analysis descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficient and multi variate regression through SPSS was used. The findings show that between conscientiousness aspects of personality traits, emotional intelligence there and there is no relationship between other dimensions and personality characteristics between emotional intelligence and resilience are related. Other results showed that between personality dimensions (Neuroticism, extraversion) and resiliency are related. And between the components of personality (openness to experience, conscientiousness & agreeableness) and resiliency relationship existed. Resiliency can be predicted by variables (personality traits & emotional intelligence) be predicted.
Zeynab Ghasemi (Department of Psychology, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)