Organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviour: A review study
Pages: 162-164
Ashwani Mohan (Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh)
In today’s scenario, it can be seen that Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of employees play very important role in growth story in any organization. Without Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of employee, no organization can grow and gets its ultimate vision. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour is considered as contribution of employee to their organization beyond the responsibilities. Various antecedents can be for Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. One of them is Organizational Justice, which contribute great role in Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of employees. Organizational Justice is considered as perception of employees towards their organization about fair treatment based on ethics and morality, they are getting from Organization. Trust between employees and management of organization is also one important factor which play important role in Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. Trust amongst employees of organization is outcome of perceived organizational Justice, which increases Organization Citizenship Behaviour of employees. This research paper is based on review of fifteen years study, which shows that Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of employee in any organization is not possible without right perception of Organizational Justice. It has also been seen in various studies that Trust mediate between Organizational Justice and Organization Citizenship Behaviour.
Pages: 162-164
Ashwani Mohan (Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh)