Differences in peer-relationship of adolescents on the basis of gender and academic class
Pages: 400-402
Rupika Chopra, Sheela Sangwan, and Krishna Duhan (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, I. C. College of Home Science CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)
A small group of similarly aged, fairly close friends and sharing the same activities is known as peer group. The present study was conducted on 500 adolescents i.e., 250 adolescents form urban area and 250 adolescents from rural area studying in 10th, 11th and 12th classes. Peer Relationship Questionnaire (PRQ) developed and standardized by Rigby and Slee (1993) was used to assess the peer relationship among adolescents. Results revealed that male adolescents were more involved in bullying and victimization than female adolescents whereas female adolescents reported more pro-social skills than male adolescents. Results also highlighted the significant differences in bullying and victimization across academic class as adolescents go from higher classes to senior secondary classes, the level of bullying and victimization decreases.
Pages: 400-402
Rupika Chopra, Sheela Sangwan, and Krishna Duhan (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, I. C. College of Home Science CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)