Happiness as loss of self

D. P. Pawar (Department of Psychology, Bhonsal Military College, Nashik, Maharashtra )

In the present paper, nature of happiness is discussed from the perspective of selflessness. Selflessness is described as losing one’s sense of being and dissolving in the present moment completely. Research findings from some of the leading scientists, psychologists and spiritual leaders like Richard Dawkins, Jonathan Haidt, Danial Kahneman, Csikszentmihalyi and Eckhart Tolle are discussed. Popular concepts from the field of positive psychology like flow and savoring and their relevance to happiness are also discussed. Asian teachings and values of selfless service of mankind and collectivistic culture in comparison with western individualistic culture are discussed. Some of the disadvantages of materialism and consequent psychological problems are also discussed. It is derived that when one forgets his or her separateness from others, true joy and happiness emerges.


D. P. Pawar (Department of Psychology, Bhonsal Military College, Nashik, Maharashtra )