Assessment of social and emotional maturity in juvenile delinquents

Neha Sharma, Seema Sharma, and Tejpreet Kaur Kang (Department of Human Development and Family Studies College of Home Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab)

The present study was undertaken to investigate the assessment of social and emotional maturity amongst juvenile delinquents. The sample comprised of 120 respondents in 16-18 years of age range, selected from observation homes of six districts, from three cultural zones of Punjab. Further the sample was distributed over two sexes i.e. 80 males and 40 females. Scales used to collect the relevant information for the study were: Social Maturity Scale (Rao, 1986) Emotional Maturity Scale (Singh & Bhargava, 1990). Data depicts that maximum number of the delinquents belonged to the average level of delinquency. Low levels of social and emotional maturity were found in most of the delinquents. The juvenile delinquents had shown average level of work orientation, followed by social commitment.


Neha Sharma, Seema Sharma, and Tejpreet Kaur Kang (Department of Human Development and Family Studies College of Home Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab)