The effect of job stress and organization status school on burnout elementary school teachers in Isfahan

Pages: 20-22
Sepideh Taghipourseyrafi (M.A student of Behavioral Sciences (Preschool Education) Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
Firouz Rezaian (Department of Educational Sciences, Arsanjan Branch Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)

This study aimed to determine the effects of job stress and burnout among primary school teachers, school organizational climate Isfahan city. The study population consisted of all elementary school teachers in the academic year 2014-2015, the city cluster sampling, 60 were chosen as primary school teachers. Instruments used in this study consisted of a questionnaire by the Maslach Burnout and Jackson (1981); Job stress HSE (1990); and describes the organizational climate of schools Ojaghi (1998) respectively. Research data correlation and regression methods were analyzed. The results showed that job stress has an impact on job burnout and 19% of the variance was explained by job stress Job stress and burnout can affect 44% of the forecast. The results also showed that organizational climate of school variance in predicting burnout effect.


Pages: 20-22
Sepideh Taghipourseyrafi (M.A student of Behavioral Sciences (Preschool Education) Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
Firouz Rezaian (Department of Educational Sciences, Arsanjan Branch Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)