Compare extracurricular activities, social skills and citizenship education secondary school students education shiraz

Pages: 17-19
Ali Asghar Sharifi and Hossein Aflakifard (Department of Educational Sciences, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran)

Extra-curricular activities, based on innovation and on the training of teachers in the teaching concepts and objectives within or outside the classroom and, of course, taking into account specific regional or climatic conditions Learners and special talents are used. This study compared extracurricular activities, social skills and citizenship education students in secondary education area, a Shiraz; This practical research that has been done causal-comparative method. The study population included all high school students Education Shiraz to number 13,500 people. The sample size was estimated using a sample of 377 people multistage cluster sampling, Differentiated by gender and field of study and the students who have participated in extracurricular activities was selected. In order to collect data from two questionnaires Enderbitzen social skills and Foster (1992) and was developed as citizenship education and hypotheses using descriptive and inferential statistics (independent samples t, variance analysis) were analyzed. The results showed that: (1) the variables extracurricular activities and social skills of students girl and boy there are significant differences between the 2 extra-curricular activities and citizenship education in male and female students, there is no significant difference between extra-curricular activities -3 and social skills of students by field of study, there are significant differences between -4 extracurricular activities and citizenship education students by field of study, there was no significant difference.


Pages: 17-19
Ali Asghar Sharifi and Hossein Aflakifard (Department of Educational Sciences, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran)