Role of locus of control in academic achievement of science students
Pages: 416-419
Abha Dubey (Department of Education, Maharaja Agrasen, International College, Raipur, C.G.)
Soumya Nayyar (Vice Principal, Pragati College, Raipur, Chhatisgarh, C.G.)
The purpose of doing this research was to study role of locus of control in academic achievement of students of science at higher secondary school level. For testing the hypothesis of the research a final sample of 320 students were selected randomly out of which 160 students were of internal locus of control and 160 students were of external locus of control. Locus of Control Scale constructed and standardized by Vohra (1994) was used to determine locus of control in students. Marks obtained in 12th class CBSE board examination were considered as academic achievement of the students. The outcome of statistical analysis of data showed that students with internal locus of control truly excelled those with external locus of control in respect of their academic achievement.
Pages: 416-419
Abha Dubey (Department of Education, Maharaja Agrasen, International College, Raipur, C.G.)
Soumya Nayyar (Vice Principal, Pragati College, Raipur, Chhatisgarh, C.G.)