Critical inquiry into eastern and western perspective of consciousness
Pages: 305-309
Vikas Yadav (Department of Psychology, University of Delhi, Delhi)
Consciousness is regarded as important topic of study in both the western & eastern perspective. The integral role of the consciousness in giving rise to different mental phenomenon, make it an important research topic in psychology & allied disciplines. However, there is large difference in the way the consciousness is conceptualized in the eastern & western perspective. This paper aims to achieve three aims: firstly, providing a theoretical explanation of the consciousness as it is conceptualized in the two traditions, secondly, it tries to provide a critique of western & eastern conceptualization of consciousness. And finally, it tries to synthesize these two approaches, in order to providing a more holistic assessment of the consciousness, which would further enrich our understanding about this phenomenon.
Pages: 305-309
Vikas Yadav (Department of Psychology, University of Delhi, Delhi)