
Personality profiles of bronchial asthma patients and normal persons

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Pages: 253-255
R. N. Singh (Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh)
Shubhra S. Bharadwaj (Department of Psychology, Shri Gandhi Smarak P.G. College, Maltari, Azamgarh, ttar Pradesh)

i22Indian Journal of Health and Well-being 2020, 11(4-6), 01-01© 2020 Indian Association of Health, Research and WelfareISSN-p-2229-5356,e-2321-3698NAAS Ratings 4.13Keywords: asdWe have no known conflict of interest to discloseCorrespondence concerning this article should be addressed toE-mail: InMTikaram Keywords: To study y Indian Journal of Health and Well-being 2020, 11(4-6), 01-01© 2020 Indian Association of Health, Research and WelfareISSN-p-2229-5356,e-2321-3698NAAS Ratings 4.13SpgptaDyWe have no known conflict of interest to discloseCorrespondence concerning this article should be addressed toE-mail: ● ○■ ● Sr. Mean of Male Mean of Female SD of Male SD of Female Obtained t and significance1. 14.40 16.93 1.71 3.03 .600.05 levels- 2.00, 0.01 levels-2.66Table 1: Sr. Variables Individualistic Forgivers Individualistic Forgivers Individualistic Forgivers (Hindus) (N=30) (Muslims) (N=30) (Christians) (N=28)Mean SDs Mean SDs Mean SDs1 Decisional Forgiveness 49.66 13.234 56.90 11.991 42.98 6.4862 Emotional Forgiveness 50.13 9.098 54.03 9.384 45.58 10.061Table 1: Dimensions of study habits Family income Mass media exposure Participation in sportsConcentration .10 .16* .18*Comprehension .10 .17* .10Planning .11 .09 .08Use of e-resources .14* .26** .12Interaction .13 .20** .17*Study sets .10 .13 .06Drilling .06 .25** .11Overall study habits .10 .27** .16*Note: **Significant at 1% level of significanceTable 2: Correlations between income, mass media exposure, participation in sports and study habits of high school students (n=240)Note: ** = p < .05; N = 204 for all analysesThe purpose of this study was to compare the bronchial asthma patients with normal control participants. Agroup of 50 asthmatic outdoor patients with age range of 40-55 years was purposively sampled. Only those patients were selected who had not gone under long term treatment. The patients belonged to Jaunpur district (U.P. India). Agroup of 100 normal subjects was also sampled for the comparison purpose. The personality characteristics of both the groups were measured with 16PF questionnaire. The two groups differed significantly on A, C, F, L, N, O, Q1, Q2 and Q3 personality factors. This suggests that bronchial asthma patient group possess different personality constellation as compared to the normal participants. Results are thoroughly discussed and implications are also highlighted.


Pages: 253-255
R. N. Singh (Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh)
Shubhra S. Bharadwaj (Department of Psychology, Shri Gandhi Smarak P.G. College, Maltari, Azamgarh, ttar Pradesh)