Mobile phone addiction and personality

Pages: 2028-2034
Poonam Vats and Palak Aggarwal (Department of Psychology, Mata Sundri College for Women, University of Delhi, Delhi)

Mobile phone is a valuable human invention however it is commonly seen that mobile phones are one of the common means of addiction too. The present study aims to explore mobile phone addiction among young male adults and compare their personality traits. Two psychological tools were used to measure the variables taken in the study. Two scales were used Mobile Phone Addiction and NEO Five Factor Inventory on 150 undergraduate students of third year were selected for the study from different colleges of Delhi /NCR region. The study was conducted in two phases. Non probability purposive sampling technique was used to select the two criterion groups (addicted & non-addicted). Data was analyzed with the help of Descriptive and Inferential statistics. Results showed that males with mobile phone addiction were less conscientious, less open to experience and more disagreeable in comparison to males without mobile addiction. The study can serve as a future prospect in the field of cyber and applied social psychology with the purpose of creating awareness among Indian society about harmful consequences of mobile phone addiction.


Pages: 2028-2034
Poonam Vats and Palak Aggarwal (Department of Psychology, Mata Sundri College for Women, University of Delhi, Delhi)