Incentive based step tracking app enhances fitness of people

Pages: 2077-2080
Ridhima Duggal (Department of Psychology, (North Campus), University of Delhi, Delhi)

In the recent times, issues like malnutrition, unhealthy diet, smoking, higher alcohol consumption, inadequate exercise, drug abuse and erratic sleeping patterns are on the rise and have an adverse effect on the health of people. Incidence rate of health problems like cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and cancer has also increased drastically. Keeping this in mind, the present study was designed to study the effect of incentive-based step tracking app on fitness level of people. It was believed that incentives based on the principle of operant conditioning and behavioural economics can be instrumental in enhancing the physical activity of people. The study employed the repeated measures design wherein a sample consisting of ten participants were exposed to two treatment conditions. The study was carried out in two phases. In the first phase, weight and step count of the participants was recorded by using the apps already installed in the smart phones for this purpose. In the second phase of the study, the participants were asked to install a new app known as ‘Step Set Go’ (SSG) in their mobiles, which acted as an intervention or treatment condition for the participants. Step count and weight of people was recorded even after the installation of this app. Results were analysed using Wilcoxon matched pair test and Rank difference correlation method. A significant difference was found between the two treatment groups and it was reported that incentive-based step tracking app leads to an increase in step count and decreases weight of people. However, no significant relation was found to exist between step count and weight.


Pages: 2077-2080
Ridhima Duggal (Department of Psychology, (North Campus), University of Delhi, Delhi)